Approver Getting Started
As an approver, using Virtual Time+Expense is a straight
forward and simple process. Each section below gives you the details to be
able to get started right away with the following tasks:
- Click on
Approvals in the area bar.
This will show you any timecards or expense reports that are waiting for
your approval.
- Review the timecards and expense reports by clicking on the link
next to each.
- Approve any or all by checking the box in the first column, set the
status to Approve and click Submit.
- Reject any or all by checking the box in the first column, set the
status to Reject, enter a reason for the rejection and click Submit.
An email notification will go to the employee so they know it has been
- When there is nothing more to approve, your screen will show nothing
pending approval.
- Click on Reports in the area bar.
This will show you the list of reports that you are allowed to run.
- To see your historical approvals, click on Time by Approver.
To see timecard or expense report details, check Include Details. You can click on
any timecard or expense report from this report to see view it.
Changing your password: to change your password, click Settings in the area bar.
In the left column of function choices in the My Info section, click Change Password. |