Browser Issues



Browser Issues

If you are having issues, here are the instructions to fix them!


Popup and Downloads Blocked

To stop the popup/download blocker, you need to add the Virtual Time+Expense website to your Trusted Sites list.
For Internet Explorer:
a) Choose the menu "Tools, Internet Options"

b) Click on the Security tab

c) Click on the Trusted Sites icon, then the "Sites..." button

d) Type in the website address for VT, i.e. "".  If the address is "http:" instead of "https:", make sure the "Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone" is not checked.  Click the "Add" button, then the "Close" button.

e) For IE7+: From the security tab, click the "Custom Level..." button.  Scroll about 1/3 down, under the "Downloads" section make sure both "Automatic prompting for file downloads" and "File download" are set to "Enable".  Click the "OK" button.

f) Click the "OK" button.



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